
During the months of September and October, the trait of kindness is a focus at the school. Our Student Council organized the Pinky Promise: I, _______, pledge to be a true and kind friend always. I will help to make Vieja Valley a happy and peaceful place by using kind words and actions. I promise to treat others the way I want to be treated.

During the months of September and October, the trait of kindness is a focus at the school. Our Student Council organized the Pinky Promise: I, _______, pledge to be a true and kind friend always. I will help to make Vieja Valley a happy and peaceful place by using kind words and actions. I promise to treat others the way I want to be treated.

During the months of September and October, the trait of kindness is a focus at the school. Our Student Council organized the Pinky Promise: I, _______, pledge to be a true and kind friend always. I will help to make Vieja Valley a happy and peaceful place by using kind words and actions. I promise to treat others the way I want to be treated.